Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Preliminary Severance Inquiry 

As the first step of the severance process, you must submit a preliminary severance inquiry and sketch to the Township.

To submit your inquiry, please proceed with the following form. You will be required to attach a sketch detailing your proposed severance including the proposed lot size and configuration, road frontage and any existing buildings. 

Owner/Applicant Information

Are you the Property Owner?

Property Location

Are there any known livestock facilities within 1500m (1.5km) of the proposed severance?

Proposal Information

Purpose of Request

Sketch of Proposal

A sketch of the proposal must be attached. Please note this sketch does not need to be drawn to scale but must include all relevant information listed below. If you require mapping to assist you with the sketch, please contact the Planning Department. 

Your sketch should include:

  • The configuration and area of both the severed and retained lots (in hectares)
  • The frontage of both the severed and retained lots (in meters)
  • Any existing buildings/structures and sewage disposal systems on both the severed and retained lands, with sizes and measurements to lot lines
  • Civic address, road name and existing driveway location(s)
  • Location of any existing right-of-ways/easements (if applicable)

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif